Notes |
- from:
The History of Middlesex County 1635-1885
J. H. Beers & Co., 36 Vesey Street, New York
Pages 61-173
[transcribed by Janece Streig]
The following is a list of the settlers in Middletown from 1650 to 1700.
HALL, John, 1650, HALL, Richard, 1650; HALL, Samuel, 1650; HAMLIN, GILES, 1650; HANDS, Benjamin, 1678; HARRIS, Daniel, 1653; HARRIS, William, 1650; HIGBY, Edward, 1667; HILL, Thomas, 1678; HOPEWELL, Thomas, 1662; HUBBARD, George, 1650; HULBERT, John, 1669.
"William and Daniel HARRIS came to Middletown from Rowley, Massachusetts.
The following extracts from the town records give facts relative to the early history of the town which cannot be learned elsewhere. The records which were made prior to 1652 are lost, but they are complete from that time to the present. The first recorded vote of the town, which is given in the history of the First Congregational Church, was for the building of a meeting house.
"March the 10, 1654. It was agreed at a towne meeting that the medow ffenc should stand in the old place where it stood the last yeare. The proportions of men in the ffence comes to acomes to a dayes word and a quarter to an acre; the said ffence is to be sett up by the 25 day of this present month, the dayes works is to pay to the ffenc ar throes.
Daniel HARRISE halfe a day
"The names of the proprioters of Middletown with their estats, taken March 22th 1670.
Danill HARIS 102 10
William HARIS 200
The list of the estate of the inhabitants of Midleton taken in 73.
Leftnt. HARIS 139
William HARIS 163
"At a towne meeting November 18, 1679. The towne made choyc of Capt'n Danill HARRIS & LEFTEN'nt Nath WHIT and ensine William CHINY to take the wholl of the magesene of the town & pouches and pikes & despose of it in places in the towne whare they see most convenient for the good of the wholl & soe to keepe it, that theire may be an account given as need shall require to the towne. At the same towne meeting it was voated be willing that a belle which is purchased by parte of the inhabitance of the towne and properly belongs to the purchasers theirof & their heirs after them, that if they be willing that the sayd belle shall be hanged up in the meeting house, that now is belonging to the sayd towne whether the towne will as a towne defraye ye charge of the suffisent hanging & fiting to suttable ringing of the sayd belle for the benefite of the towne and to pay yearly the charge of ye ringing at all suttable seasons & so to continue soe longe as ye sayd purchers shall se cause. The towne voated excpted the same abovesayd."
"The proprietors of the bell are these underwritten...
Capt'n Danill HARRIS 00 16 00
Danill HARRIS junior 00 10 00
Thomas HARRIS 00 04 00
"June 30, 1685. At the same towne meeting the towne made choice of these mentioned as patentees for the towne to procuer a patten for the towne according to the Court order. The men are Mr. Gills HAMLINE, Leftnt WHITE & Ensign WARD and Ensigne CHINY & Captn HARRIS and Deacon HALL and Robert WARNER & William HARRIS and Deacon ALYN."
"Whereas the General court of Conecticut Colony have formerly granted unto the proprietors, inhabitants of the town of Midleton in the sayd Colony all those lands both meadows & upland with their uplane with their appurtenances within these abutments following viz. On Weathersfield on the North, & on Farmington bounds, & on the commons on the West & on Hadam bounds on the South & on the wilderness on the East, the bredth is from Wethersfield bounds on the North full fower miles south of the sayd meeting house of Middleton & to run the whole bredth on the west side of Conceticutt River five miles from the sayd North & South lyne & on the East side of Conecticutt full six mile from the sayd river the whole bredth from Weathersfield bounds to Hadam bounds, The sayd lands having been by purchess or otherwise lawfully obtained of the Indian native proprietors & whereas the proprietors inhabitants of Midleton in the Colony of Conecticutt, in New England have made application to the Governor & Company of the sayd Colony of Conecticutt assembled in Court the 25th of May 1685, that they may have a patent for confirmation of the afoarsayd landes to them so purchased & granted to them as afoarsayd & which they stood seized & quietly possessed off, for many years last past, without interruption; now for a more full confirmation of the afoarsayd tracts of land as it is butted & bounded afoarsayd unto the present proprietors of the sayd township of Midleton. Know Yee. Colony That the sayd Governor & Company assembled in Generall Court according to the Seal. Commission and by vertue of the power granted to them by our late soveraigne Lord King Charls the second of blessed memouie in his letters pattings bearing date the twenty third of aprill in the fowerteenth years of his sayd Ma'ties reigne have given & granted, & by these presents, doe give, grant, ratify & confirme unto Mr. Giles HAMLIN, Liuetenant Nathaniel WHITE, Captn Daniel HARRIS ensigne Wm. CHEENY, Ensigne Wm. WARDE, Mr. Wm. HARRIS, Deacon John HALL Deacon Thomas ALLYN, Mr. Robert WARNER & the rest of the sayd present proprietors of the township of Midleton, & theire heires & assignes forever, & to each of them in such the same all that afoaresaid tract of land as it butted & bounded together with all the woods, uplands curable lands, meadows, pastures, ponds, havens portes, waters, rivers, islands, fishings, huntings fowleings mines, minerals, quarries, & precious stones, upon or within the sayd tracts of land with all other profits, and commodities thereunto belonging or in any wis appertaining & doe also grant, unto the afoar named Mr. Giles HAMLIN, Liuetenant Nath WHITE Capt. Daniel HARRIS, Ensigne Wm. CHEENEY, Ensigne Wm. WARD, Mr. Wm. HARRIS, Deacon John HALL, Deacon Thomas ALYN, and Mr. Robert WARNER and the rest of the present proprietors, inhabitants of Middletown, their heirs and assignes forever, that the afoarsayd tracts of land shall be forever hereafter deemed reputed & be an entire township of itself to have and to hold the sayd tracts of land & premises with all & singular their appurtenances, together with the priviledges, immunities & franchizes, herein given & granted, to the sayd Mr. Giles HAMLIN L'nt Nath WHITE, Capt. Daniel HARRIS, Ensigne Wm. CHEENY, Ensigne William WARDE, William HARRIS, Deacon John HALL, Deacon Thomas ALLYN & Mr. Robert WARNER & the rest of the proprietors, inhabitants of Midleton, their heires. & assignes forever, & to the onely proper use & behoofe of the sayd, Mr. Giles HAMLIN, Livetenant Nathaniel WHITE, Capt. Daniel HARRIS Ensigne Wm. CHEENY, Ensigne William WARD William HARRIS, Deacon John HALL, Deacon Thomas ALLYN, & Mr. Robert WARNER & all the other the present proprietors inhabitants of Midleton their heires & assignes forever, according to the tenour of his Ma'ties Manor of East Greenwich in the County of Kent in the Kingdome of England in free and common soceage & not in Capittee, nor by Knights service, they yielding & payeing therefore to our soveraign lord the King, his heires & successors onely the fifth parte of all the oare of gold & silver which from time to time & at all times hereafter shall be there gotten, had, or obteyned in lein of all rents, services, duties & demandes, whatsoever according to charter.
"In Witnesse Whereof we have hereunto caused the seal of the Colony to be hereunto affixed this eleventh day of March, in the years of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty five; six and in the second yeare of the rigne of our Soveraigne Lord James the second of England, Scotland, France & Ireland King, Defender of the Fayth &e,
"Robert TREAT Governor.
"Pr order of the Generall Court of Conecticutt signed pr
"John ALLYN Secrety.
"March 30, 1687, pr order of the Governor & Company of the Colony of Conecticutt, signed pr.
John ALLYN Secyr.
"December 16, 1723. At the same meeting the town granted to the south farmers the liberty of one acre of land for a burying place where it may be most conveniant between Capt. Wm. HARRISis & Jonathan STEADs land."
"1677.-Midleton house lotts at 35s pr acre; improved uplands 20s pr acre; on halfe of their meadow at 40s, pr acre, the other halfe at 20s pr acre.
"Daniell HARRIS is by this Court approued and confirmed to be Captain of Midleton Traine-band, and Nath: WHITE, Leiutenant, and Wm. CHEENY, Ensigne of the sayd company, and Samuel STOCKIN, Sarjt.
"May 1690.-This Court upon the request of Captain HARRIS of Midleton doe release him from his commission of Captain, and grant the traine band priuiledg and liberty to choose a new captain for the s'd company.
Representatives.-The town of Middletown has been represented in General court and general Assembly by the following-names persons. The abbreviations M. and O. are used to indicate the May and October sessions, respectively:
Daniel HARRIS, 1678 O., 1684 O.; William HARRIS, 1687 O.;
William HARRIS, 1714, M.-1715 M., 1720 M.-1721 M., 1722 O., 1728 O.;
... accessed 3/25/2012